The Pitfalls and Pratfalls of Middle-Aged Dieting

Tomorrow, I cast aside my beloved margaritas, morning bagels and assorted other carb-rich indulgences. Unburdened by the comfort foods of my past, I will embrace the world of eggs, proteins, vegetables, green tea, probiotics (Greek yogurt for me!) and, of course, the dreaded 64 ounces of water - daily!  "The 17-Day Diet" is the creation of a doctor on the West Coast who has written a book describing the benefits of this program, providing recipes that guarantee a lack of boredom (my enemy in all prior weight-loss battles) and full of hysterically funny prose I find very appealing.  And a 17-minute exercise routine that gradually expands as I contract (hopefully) and as new foods are added.

I visualize this experience as something of a culinary "time out". A chance to learn better eating and exercise habits. To rediscover the bones beneath the bulge, the muscle beneath the multitude of fat cells. And, in a very brief and slight departure from my usual humor: to look in a mirror and rediscover some sense of self-esteem. Six and a half years ago, I quit smoking. My lofty goal was to take control of my life.

Tomorrow, I actually do it. 

I know that I will document the journey in this blog, but I can't say how often. I suspect that there will humorous discourses on the impact of gravity on fat-deprived skin, the transition from exercising alone (with shades drawn) to more public endeavors (walking the neighborhood in disguise!).

My sisters and I are planning a "Sisters' Trip" to the Florida Keys in April, 2012. I hope to have made my first goal by that date - and to be toasting success on a sun-drenched beach with my first margarita in more than a year!